Wendi Aguilar is our Children’s Director here at City Church.  Wendi has been a member of City Church (formerly known as Capital City Church of God) for 22 years.  She has served the Lord and the church through many different ministries over the years, but found the place she enjoyed most was her opportunity to serve once a month as a teacher in the Children’s Ministry.  She eagerly accepted God’s plan for her and stepped into the position as Director when it became available in Spring 2021. 


Wendi, along with her daughter Madison Aguilar, have enjoyed implementing a curriculum that is colorful, fun, and exciting for the kids.  They are both creatively driven to keep the lessons hands on and fun and have found that working a special craft into the lesson has been a very successful tool in helping the kids learn, listen, and enjoy their Sunday mornings.  They are especially passionate about teaching the kids to find their strength in the Lord and have faith that He is always near and they are never too young to express their belief in the Lord in their day-to-day lives through their words and actions.


 As Wendi also serves as a singing member of the Worship Team along with her husband who plays the drums, Cup Aguilar, it is only natural that she also encourages each of her students to sing, make joyful noise, and “….dance before the Lord with all his might… (2 Samuel 6:14)


  She has been a self-employed work-at-home mom since 2001 and is now a work-at-home grandma!  Working from home allowed Wendi the freedom to be very active in her children’s education by volunteering regularly in their classrooms and extra-curricular school activities.  She now has two grandsons and has the pleasure of spending her weekdays doing the same for them.  Her passion has always been driven by her love for her children, all the little children in her life, and now by her love for her City Students. 

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